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Barrick - Elko Nonprofit Summit


Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest gold mining company in the world, with its headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Barrick is currently undertaking mining projects in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Zambia. Barrick is committed to the communities in which its employees live and work, and has a strong focus on responsible mining, health and safety, the environment and community development. 


Barrick has a strong presence in Elko, Nevada. Elko is a small city, home to 19,000 residents with about 150 nonprofit organizations. Barrick has demonstrated their vested interest in the community through their significant corporate philanthropy and wishes to engage its nonprofit partners as it moves to have greater focus within its giving. 


Barrick Gold approached Moonridge Group to work together to develop a nonprofit summit aimed to communicate its new, more focused direction while helping to support and add value to its partner nonprofits in Elko, helping to build social impact capacity in an area that is often underserved.


  • Help create a unique, strategic and valuable nonprofit summit in Elko, in partnership with Barrick staff

  • Help Barrick to effectively communicate its new, more focused giving strategy

  • Ensure that attendees leave feeling empowered to utilize the passion and knowledge they already possess in a more strategic manner


Moonridge Group organized a full-day summit for nonprofit leaders. Barrick generously underwrote the expenses of the event, as well as travel for attendees coming from nearby rural communities. The workshop featured a number of topics, including: strategy, board development, community engagement, fundraising, and leadership. Barrick anticipated about 50 attendees…but the room was overflowing with over 90 attendees representing rural nonprofits. Based on a survey conducted after the event, attendees were inspired, uplifted, and empowered by the event. Everyone left with concrete tools and strategies to help them create more impact in their communities. Barrick considered the event a great success as well, and is looking forward to more workshops in the future.

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